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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quality Internet TV - The Sites You Should Know
By David O'Brien

We’ve been searching the Internet for quality Internet TV content for a very very long time. The web history is filled with “almost”s ventures trying to give the world of surfers what they really want - FREE content, but there aren’t many success stories out there.

There once was a brilliant TV show named “The Prisoner“ and one of the famous lines from the series is: “I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered”. It seems like we don’t mind being indexed anymore, like we don’t mind being watched and used, that we will forget all about the cookies they implant and the spam we see everywhere (and not only in e-mails) - as long as we get our content for free.

There are many great sites to visit today that are actually working good and offer TV content for free and we’re not talking about the funny clips, homemade movies or 3 minutes music videos. We are talking about the real deal - Internet TV.

If you’re looking to something to watch online, you will probably find something interesting in one of these really high-quality sites (the list is not sorted in any particular order):

1. AOL In2TV is the first real broadband TV network, as far as we know. You can watch hundreds of high-quality, full length classic TV episodes that you probably never forgot about them or never heard of them. The content is mostly nostalgic, but you can find many gems there, like Babylon 5, Beetlejuice, Freakazoid, Growing Pains, Head of Class, Luis and Clark, The Fugitive, V: The Series, Wonder Woman and many others.

2. ABC Streaming is available only until June 30th, so hurry up and try it, before it goes down. It’s a test they’re running to check the effectiveness this will have on advertisers and viewers, and we believe it will have good results. It’s only open for US residents, so if you’re living somewhere else in the world - forget about the global village. You can watch TV series like, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Alias, Commonder in Cheif and others. If you haven’t done it already, you should check it out.

3. The Innertube is run by CBS and although it’s not nearly as good as the above sites, it has some good original content there, like companion shows that extend CBS broadcast programs - Survivor Live, The Big Brother Talk Show, Clips from The Amazing Race and some funny comedy bits. We’re onlt mentioning this site in this list, because we see it has great potential ar becoming something worth visiting, but unfortunately now is not the time.

4. The not-so-legal PeekVid is something completely different. Peekvid collects the quality content from YouTube and categorize them into these groups - TV shows, cartoons, anime, Asian movies, independent TV, comedy and music. After you select one of the groups, you’ll recieve a more detailed list of all the shows available for you. For example - if you choose TV Shows, you’ll see a list of all TV shows available to watch (use this bookmarklet to save the videos you’re watching with KeepVid) and if you choose Comedy, you’ll have to select your favorite artist or show. You can spend hours and days in that site going through and watching all the shows. You can almost say it looks like the future.

Links to all sites mentioned and many more sites are available at

Brought to you by Official Online TV


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